Our Services

Cryotherapy Cold Plunge

Immerse your whole body in near freezing water for 2 to 10 minutes.

Benefits: According to experts, the benefits of cold plunge therapy may include reduced inflammation, enhanced mood, improved sleep, stress reduction, pain relief, accelerated injury recovery, potential hormone balancing, boosted metabolism, and promoting lymphatic drainage.

Perhaps the most important benefit is building mental resilience and discipline. Consistent exposure to cold temperatures allows the mind to get comfortable in a state of discomfort, which can improve its ability to deal with other types of stress.

Personalize your experience by selecting your favorite music or streaming your favorite show right at the cold plunge station.


A 20 minute private session in our infrared sauna.

Benefits: Infrared technology brings forth a therapeutic treatment that is not only relaxing but also clinically shown to be beneficial for many areas of health, including detoxification through sweating, supporting cardiovascular health and muscle recovery through improved circulation, pain relief, relaxation and stress reduction, improved skin health, better sleep quality, and immune system support.

While saunas have a centuries-old history, modern saunas have evolved significantly, moving away from the traditionally harsh, extreme heat and steamy environments of the past to provide a more soothing and healthy heat experience.

Red Light Therapy

A 20 minute photobiomodulation session using red and near infrared light. This therapy introduces very low levels of heat that do hurt or burn the skin.

Benefits: Give your mitochondria (aka the powerhouse of the cell) a boost of energy. Some experts say this helps repair the body at a cellular level, spurring healing in skin and muscle tissue.

  • I.V. Infusions

    Vitamin infusions and injections provided by Grace Godwin, RN, a licensed contractor with Lonestar IV Medics.

  • Reiki

    Reiki promotes stress reduction and relaxation. The word Reiki is derived from Japanese Kanji where the prefix Rei means spiritual wisdom and the suffix Ki means life energy. It is comprised of a practitioner that has been attuned to the energy flow of source, laying hands on their client, and transferring energy to the patient with the intent of healing.

  • Tapping

    Tapping is known by many names, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), and psychological acupressure. It is similar to acupuncture in that it uses similar points on the body’s meridian lines (energy lines). The patient thinks about a negative thought or trauma while simultaneously tapping on these meridian points and stating positive statements to counteract the negative thoughts. The stimulation sends signals to the brain to control the stress reaction. Many people report a reduction in their reaction.

  • Breathwork and Meditation Training

    Breathing exercises that are performed to improve mental, physical and spiritual well-being.

  • Spinal Decompression

    The therapy itself works to stretch the spine, using a spinal decompression table, in order to create negative pressure and space within the disc to allow disc fluid to move back into place. This creates an environment in which the disc can receive more nutrients and therefore heal itself more quickly and effectively. The ultimate goal of spinal decompression therapy is to relieve the patient’s chronic back, arm, neck, and/or leg pain, and to heal the source of said pain.

  • Compression Boots

    Recovery boots use a technique called intermittent pneumatic compression. They’ve become a fixture at gyms and physical therapy offices for the purpose of helping athletes flush metabolic waste from their bodies after grueling workouts. While designs vary from brand to brand, the general premise is the same: a pump fills a pair of inflatable boots with air, starting at your feet and squeezing up your legs like a tube of toothpaste. Theoretically, this type of dynamic compression increases blood flow to tired muscles, flushing out unwanted toxins that naturally result from working out and reducing inflammation from small muscle tears.

  • Thorne Dispensary

    Synchronicity has partnered with Thorne Supplements so that we can provide you with the highest quality vitamins, minerals and supplements available.

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